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service details – 2024

There are many details that go into writing, publishing and marketing a book. Whether I work with a single author or a co-author team, I am here to efficiently and successfully navigate this exciting experience.

I am unique in my services as I can be your collaborator and/or coach from creation of a manuscript, publishing, distribution, and development of a book marketing strategy.

Download your copy of my Services – 2024 flyer below.

service highlights

publishing only

I do provide a unique service to ghostwriters and authors who have a completed manuscript and need a publisher. My full publishing package takes care of all the details to publish and distribute your (or your client’s) book. You maintain full ownership, rights, and royalties.

single author or Co-Author Teams

My availability is special because I work with both single authors and co-author teams. As a professional writer and publisher, you work with ME, not outsourced to someone else. It is a collaboration you can feel confident in for years to come for future book projects.

Collaboration means communication

The way I work, collaboration means being accessible. I connect with my authors using email, text, phone, and Zoom. Communication is the key to success!

manage all the details

To take a book from idea to publication requires attention to detail. It is time consuming, which is why my authors value our collaboration. I manage every detail and keep my authors on the schedule we create. It makes book writing and publishing a more enjoyable experience.

manuscript creation

Single authors have a choice – you write and I’ll edit or I’ll interview you via Zoom and write the manuscript for you to provide input and edits. Co-author teams – authors write their assigned portion with my help as needed. I also actively guide, edit, and compile the manuscript for final review.

Set up accounts

When you publish a book, there are multiple platforms an author or co-author team must manage. These include the distribution platform (Amazon, for example), the U.S. Copyright Office, and Bowker. If you opt for a Service Add-On like a basic website, there is registration of the domain, website host, and business email. Don’t worry. I take care of these details for you.

Ownership of Your Book

Whether you are a single author or a co-author team, you have full ownership rights and directly receive all royalties to your book. We have a signed contract stipulating these details so you can feel safe and confident about the book’s ownership.

monthly Payment Schedule

I have found my authors prefer a monthly payment schedule. It spreads out the cost, which is easier on their budget. You can choose your option: Zelle or Credit Card. Payments are made at the first of every month during the duration of the book project.

What is the cost to Publish Only or write and publish a book? Once we have a conversation and understand the scope of the project, I can provide a cost range. In some cases where an author’s budget is limited, we can talk creative approaches to achieve their book goal. If we are in agreement to move forward, I provide a detailed Book Proposal with the final cost.

praise from authors

The amazing people I have worked with have been kind to provide feedback about working with me. The latest praise from a co-author team of twenty authors was so appreciated:

“…helped us create a fantastic product in a short timeframe…”

” …great honor to learn from Melissa…”

“…Her ability to keep me on track and encouragement throughout the process was amazing.”

To see the above testimonials and others regarding working with me, visit my Testimonials page.